AMCAP went PINK for NBCF in June
June 30, 2023

As part of our Corporate Partnership with the NBCF, AMCAP went Pink during June 1-30 with the aim to increase awareness around being breast aware and encouraging everyone to check their pair. With part proceeds from each pink mid-life kitting box going to the NBCF during June, AMCAP helped to further spread the breast-aware messaging as well as raise much-needed funds.
We raised a total of $3694 and are so thankful for everyone who contributed!
In 2023 GO PINK focused on funding research into effective prevention, detection, and treatment of breast cancer. This much-needed research has the potential to save thousands of lives.
During June, the NBCF challenged all Australians to GO PINK and raise funds in support of the thousands of women and men whose lives have and will be affected by breast cancer. It’s a disease we cannot ignore. But together, we can change the outcomes.
By making a pledge, AMCAP raised much-needed funds for the NBCF, helping them move towards the goal of ending deaths from breast cancer.
We encouraged staff, customers and suppliers to:
- Wear it. Colour it or Shave it Pink between June 1-30
- Contribute towards our cause via the link:
View our short video here: